Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thanks for the advise.
Thanks to everyone who commented and emailed with advise on what is appropriate for children to wear to a memorial or funeral. We attended my beloved uncle's memorial and it was so comforting and uplifting to be amongst all those who loved him. My son's attire was such a success he got a mention in the San Diego Union Tribune. *I edited last names for their privacy.* It was held at the beautiful San Diego Humane Society, a place my uncle played a big part in supporting and publicizing their fundraising events.
The tie was red and blue, but who cares about the details. Also, as you can see in the picture above, when Rogan was "astride" the bronze dog it was AFTER the memorial had ended and it was only family and very close friends left. You can see in the photo that nobody else is there. I wouldn't have let him do this while the memorial was in full swing. We can behave... sometimes.