* link to directions for the paper stars at bottom of this post *
I saw this project tutorial in a book called, Dorm Decor and I think it's my favorite holiday decoration this year!! I started out trying cardboard (the book uses foam core), but I didn't like it so I changed to cutting up a gift box that I thought had a really pretty texture (white deer) and a plain gift box that I glued wrapping paper onto (colored deer). The gift box is so easy to cut, and it's strong enough to support itself. I'm using them for holiday decor, but I like them so much they may stay around for a while. If you're up to having a deer in your house for the holidays, there is a template here from Chronicle Books. ** If your using Safari browser these six links may work better for printing. 1 2 3 4 5 6.

This deer was inspired by a French Bull plate that I glue gunned his head to. I've got him by the front door and I'm embarrassed to admit how happy his colorful face makes me when I see him!?!
Very fancy and dashing with a tie.
I made a simple white one for the mantel. The more serious brother.
This is how he looks before you put him together. The first cardboard template I tried:
Cutting the wrapping paper out using the gift box template. This box was about the thickness of a cereal box. So if you have a big enough cereal box, or poster board, that would work great too! Just change the SLIT cutout (make it thinner) to adapt to your material.
I have instructions for the paper stars here